The unknown. It lies at the root of all fear, and has inspired legends, superstition, folklore, customs, hysteria, and even murder throughout history. Still today we feel the shadowy presence of our ancestors' struggles to explain the mysterious in almost every facet of our lives. Whether it be in the form of religion, urban legends, pop culture, ghost stories, superstitious rituals, and so much more we are still just fighting to keep our monsters in the dark. Welcome to The Strange and Unusual Podcast.


Title Date published
Listen Now: Scam Factory 2025-02-24
The Cursing of Russian Hill, Pt 3: The Happenings at 1000 Lombard St | Ep 98 2025-02-10
The Cursing of Russian Hill, Pt 2 | Ep 97 2025-01-08
The Cursing of Russian Hill, Pt 1 | Ep 96 2024-12-05
Introduction of The Cursing of Russian Hill | Ep 95 2024-11-20
Legally Haunted | Ep 94 2024-10-24
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Part 11 The Conclusion | Ep 93 2024-09-24
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, PT 10 | Ep 92 2024-09-17
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, PT 9 | Ep 91 2024-09-03
Strange & Unusual Headlines | The Buried Alive | Ep 90 2024-08-19
Scared To Death | Ep 89 2024-07-29
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, PT 8 | Ep 88 2024-06-18
The Evil Eye and Witchcraft Murder in Kalamazoo | Ep 87 2024-06-04
RE-RELEASE: Strange and Unusual Headlines | Kept Dead Child In Their Home | Ep 86 2024-05-20
Nymph of the Woods, The Vanishing of a Child Prodigy | Ep 85 2024-05-06
Strange & Unusual Headlines |Catch Jersey Devil | Ep 84 2024-04-23
Invasion of the Flying Saucers | Ep 83 2024-04-08
The Manananggals of the Philippines and other Female Vampires of Southeast Asia | Ep 82 2024-03-19
RE-RELEASE: Strange & Unusual Headlines | Constant use of Ouija Board Drives Seven People Insane | Ep 81 2024-03-04
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley Pt 7 | Ep 80 2024-02-20

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