Rob Crews hosts a unique audio experience w/ the world's most intriguing sports personalities.


Title Date published
56. Tori Vidales, Pro Softball, Olympian and Texas A&M All-American 2022-02-05
55. From the Bronx to the Bigs, Reds coach, Nate Irving's journey of self discovery to a Major League job in a niche coaching space. 2021-11-27
54. Virgina Unity Founder & Coach, Josh Johnson joins Rob Crews to talk championship mentalitty, the mojo merger, & more. 2021-11-21
53. Mindset of an All-American w/ Mo Mercado, Arizona All-American, Team USA & Pro 2021-10-25
52. Suzy Willemssen, Founder of VA Glory & Head Varsity Softball Coach at Bishop O'Connell High School 2021-10-03
51. Former MLB Coach, Tina Plew Whitlock, tells her story. 2021-09-12
50. A Primer on Bat Science with Axis Bats Founder & CEO Lou Ledoux 2020-05-24
49. A Deep-Dive into how the Pros move with CEO of Markow Training Systems, Ian Markow 2020-05-13
48. Co-Host Julianne Soviero talks Mental Game, Leadership & Technology in Pitching & Hitting (Part 1) 2020-05-05
47. Quant-Tee, Hitting Tech, Author, Inventor | DK Willardson 2020-04-29
46. The Yoncé of Softball | AJ Andrews 2020-04-26
45. Measuring the Kinematic Sequence | Sang Kim - CEO of 4D Motion 2020-04-23
44. HackMotion Baseball | Atis Hermanis & Reinholds Pirags 2020-04-19
43. Casey Roche, Senior Business Development Manager, Diamond Kinetics 2020-04-13
42. International Baseball Coach | Founder of Rising Star Baseball Camp | Darren Gurney 2020-04-10
41. Bonus Episode - Rob Crews talks about the role of Technology in Decision-Making Training 2020-04-08
40. The Leader of Texas Glory Softball | Coach Kevin Shelton 2020-04-05
39. Invisible Mechanics and Neuro Tech | Jason Sherwin, CEO DeCervo 2020-04-01
38. CoronaVirus and College Recruiting | Jaimie Duffek, NCSA Dir. of Softball 2020-03-29
37. Raise Your Bar, OC Batbusters Coach, Mike Stith 2020-03-26

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