We discuss current events from a unique political perspective. We think independently and critically. Uncensored by corporate America, the views expressed on this show might refresh your mind so that you can occupy it once again... Like to Read? Buy the book: Who Reads Short Shorts? https://shop.ingramspark.com/b/084?t4us19sjRiml9FQIEVwMB3Ebr3kgmtXmAp0CpsctIF6 https://meriacairns.substack.com https://www.buymeacoffee.com/MeriaCairns https://rocknrollgypsy.creator-spring.com/ https://www.etsy.com/shop/guitargrrrltees https://www.patreon.com/HauntedGypsy https://medium.com/@guitarmoviestar


Title Date published
OYM Ep.65: Once Upon a Time a Cult Took Over the World—And They Nearly Killed Us All! 2022-01-22
OYM Ep.64: The Psychology of Discrimination: What Can Jane Elliott's Lesson on Prejudice Teach Us Today? Brown Eyes vs. Blue Eyes=Unjabbed vs. Jabbed? Is Discrimination Sometimes Okay? 2022-01-07
OYM Ep. 63: Don't Call Yourself a 'Health Freedom' Activist if You Aren't Helping Those Who've Lost Their Jobs Due to the Arm-Stab Mandates! 2021-12-05
OYM Ep. 62: The 'Great Reset' has been in progress for decades. Why are we just starting to notice? 2021-10-30
OYM Ep. 61: CDC's Green Zones Part 2 - Warning: This is NOT conspiracy theory! The CDC is planning concentration camps for the unvaxxed! 2021-09-12
OYM Ep. 60: Go green? Go nazi! The CDC is building concentration camps they're calling "green zones"! Let the persecution of "anti-vaxxers" begin! 2021-09-04
OYM Ep.59: What was life like before the Patriot Act? How did people keep safe without surveillance cameras and aggressive policing? 2021-08-17
OYM Ep. 58: Killer Rockers: Why Do We Worship Them? Can We Appreciate People in Our Own Lives More? 2021-07-13
OYM Ep.57: Is Gov. DeSantis really a good guy? Why did he sign a bill that allows Floridians to be force-injected? 2021-06-25
OYM Ep.56 Are You Sure You Want That Jab? Also: Special Deal on Some Tasty Swamp Landfill in Florida! Listen for more details! 2021-06-08
OYM Ep.55: Big Pharma Brainwash--People are Hypnotized! Is this permanent? 2021-04-12
OYM Ep.54: Why Do We Obey? 2021-04-01
OYM Ep.53: Strange laws sitting in the NY Senate--Is Cuomo Governor, Dictator or Santa Claus? 2021-03-29
Ep.52 Creating New Communities 2021-02-05
OYM Ep. 51: MK Ultra: Yet Another Example of Doctors and Scientists Using Their Medical Knowledge to Do Harm 2021-01-12
Occupy Your Mind Ep. 50 - Travel is a Privilege, Not a Right- Nurse Collapses After Covid Vaxx 2020-12-20
Occupy Your Mind-Ep. 49: Alison McDowell: the 4th Industrial Revolution, Biometric Health Passports, the Bio-Security State, and Covid 1984! 2020-12-18
Occupy Your Mind-Ep. 48: Abolish Politicians: Daniel Roy Baron of Brain Blown Media and eTownHalls 2020-12-14
OYM Ep.47: Dr. Roger Hodkinson: Stop Lockdowns, Restrictions--They Do More Harm Than Good-We Should Stop Tomorrow! 2020-12-02
Occupy Your Mind-Ep.46: Microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi--Public Officials and Mass Media Hype Over 2nd Wave is Criminal 2020-11-30

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