This site is about opinions and to tell the truth life is run on opinions. Some we agree with and some we don't. Sometimes we are right in our opinions and sometimes wrong. We are just humans trying to make our life's a little better and our tomorrows a little brighter. We live for tomorrow because yesterday you can't change. Most of these opinions are mine but you are welcome to give your point of view. Just make it clean and printable but give me hell if you feel like it.


Title Date published
A 75 Year Milestone In Life 2021-08-21
It Isn’t Time To Give The Democrats Anything 2021-08-20
How Blind Are The American People? 2021-08-19
The Radical Remaking Of America Done Without Voters Approval 2021-08-16
What Can You Hide In 2702 Page Bill? 2021-08-09
What This Nation Needs——– 2021-08-05
Why Spy on The Media? 2021-08-03
The Mystery In The Biden Immigration Plan 2021-07-31
Do The Republicans Need Trump To Win In 2022 or 2024? 2021-07-27
What Is Wrong With Teaching Respect? 2021-07-22
When Did The President Become King? 2021-07-18
Has America Become A Third World Country? 2021-07-12
Jealousy A Silent Killer 2021-07-11
How Long Does It Take A Child To Get Over One ” You’re Stupid “ 2021-07-09
Independence Day Strange Speech 2021-07-06
Why Should We Obey The Laws? 2021-07-03
Climate Change Are They Pulling Our Chain? 2021-07-01
Critical Race Theory 2021-06-29
The Quest For Peace 2021-06-27
Getting A Fast Refund From The Big Guys 2021-06-26

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