What should we do during the pandemic as socialists? This podcast is based on the premise that our organizing work will be most effective when coupled with an understanding of the pandemic itself as a distinct political and economic force, something that can qualitatively change how we live and work. I’m talking with people with deep experience in socialist and progressive politics, especially in the U.S. Our overarching question is: during this pandemic, how might we not only defend whatever gains we’ve made to this point, but actually advance them?


Title Date published
E10.2: Policing the surplus population, pt 2: with Cedric Johnson and Clare Hammonds 2020-03-17
E10.1: Policing the Surplus Population, pt 1. With Cedric Johnson and Clare Hammonds 2020-03-16
E9: Worker-intellectuals of the DSA, unite! With Daphna Thier and Austin Hayes 2020-03-15
"Why the working class?" by Robbie Nelson, NYC DSA (E9 bonus) 2020-03-14
E8.2: The third war of Independence, pt 2: with Robert Cuffy 2020-03-13
E8.1: The third war of Independence, pt 1: with Robert Cuffy 2020-03-12
E7: Those keeping us alive. With Clare Hammonds 2020-03-11
E6.3: “The world we deserve” with Rose Bookbinder 2020-03-10
E6.2: “Happiness, prosperity and equality” with Rafi Ash 2020-03-09
E6.1: “The knee on our necks” with AJ 2020-03-08
E5: Unions, income inequality, police brutality. With Jake Rosenfeld 2020-03-07
E4: Millenials and migrants: A new hope for the left & labor? With Ruth Milkman 2020-03-06
E3: How might Corona transform labor organizing? with Eric Blanc 2020-03-05
E2: Do unions still make us strong? with Frances Boyes 2020-03-04
E1: Has Corona broken the system? With Doug Henwood 2020-03-03
E0: What should we do as socialists during Corona? 2020-03-01

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