Politicon brings the brilliant team of political and legal masterminds together for Politicon's #SistersInLaw. Joyce Vance, Jill Wine-Banks, Barb McQuade, and Kimberly Atkins Stohr will pull back the curtain on how our government actually works, take on the corrupt, share their wisdom and give us their rulings on the latest in politics, law, and culture.


Title Date published
195: In The Hands Of The Voters with Marc Elias 2024-08-07
194: Nothing To See Here 2024-08-03
193: Screwed, Blued, and Tattooed 2024-07-27
192: Everything Is Insane 2024-07-20
191: Project 2025 2024-07-13
190: Immunity, Immunity, Immunity 2024-07-06
189: Ejusdem Generis 2024-06-29
188: Apologia 2024-06-22
187: Loose Lips & Secret Trips 2024-06-15
186: Let’s Get This Ex Parte Started 2024-06-08
185: Live In Boston: Verdict Day 2024-06-01
184: That’s Not How A Waiver Works. You Don’t Wave It 2024-05-25
183: Sometimes A Girl Needs A Nap 2024-05-18
182: Live From Detroit 2024-05-11
181: Live From Chicago 2024-05-04
180: Tautology 2024-04-27
179: Donald Trump Versus The Rule Of Law 2024-04-20
178: Trump Is Out Of Time and Out Of Luck 2024-04-13
177: Mandamnit 2024-04-06
176: Like Sands Through The Hourglass 2024-03-30

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