An actor and a pollster ask who will guard the Republic. It's not your typical politics podcast.


Title Date published
On the Air with Radio Sputnik 2020-02-20
Where is Your Conscience, Ben Sasse? 2020-02-13
I Believe Our Constitution was Inspired by Providence 2020-02-07
I Think the Patient is Brain Dead 2020-01-31
Why, Why, Why, Why, Why? 2020-01-24
It's Gonna Be Adam Schiff's Show 2020-01-15
I Find It Insulting and I Find It Demeaning 2020-01-09
That's the Dictionary Definition of Idolatry 2019-12-19
George, Donald, and Barack 2019-12-13
Just Enough Virtue to Save the Republic 2019-12-05
This is America; Here Right Matters. 2019-11-22
This May Make the Patient Die Quicker 2019-11-14
The Week of the A+ Rating 2019-11-08
How Wide Should the Impeachment Inquiry Go? 2019-10-31
Net Positive for Trump, Net Negative for the Republic 2019-10-25
The Whole Thing Smells to High Heaven 2019-10-16
Stand on 5th Avenue and Shoot Someone 2019-10-11
The Impeachment Inquiry Minefield 2019-10-04
Is the Constitution Damaged Beyond Repair? 2019-09-26
But Those Rules Don't Apply To You 2019-09-20

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