A weekly radio show celebrating the cultural heritage of the American worker. Hosted by Chris Garlock and Elise Bryant and produced by the Labor Heritage Foundation; broadcast on WPFW 89.3FM


Title Date published
Union: The film, the campaign 2024-10-17
Working Theater/Workers Unite! Film Festival 2024-10-10
Rocking the Cradle, Lessons from the Depression 2024-10-03
“Labor Day” with Si Kahn & George Mann 2024-09-26
Shift Happens 2024-09-19
The power of our stories 2024-09-12
Our theme song contest 2024-09-05
Peekskill, 1949: What Was Lost, What Remained, What It Means Today 2024-09-04
Jamie Raskin’s favorite labor song 2024-08-22
Blood in the Streets 2024-08-15
The 1934 Minneapolis trucker’s strike 2024-08-08
The Fruit of Labor celebrates 40 years 2024-08-01
A farewell to BJR 2024-07-25
Art Works (Encore) 2024-07-18
Love & Solidarity 2024-06-27
Our Theme Song Contest! 2024-06-20
Union-The Film 2024-06-13
“Labor’s Turning Point” 2024-06-06
Favorite labor songs 2024-05-30
“The Black Wobbly” gets a mural 2024-05-23

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