Living LIT is a place where conversations spark inspiration to Live In Truth. Journey together with us to explore what it means to live a liturgical life and walk in the truth of our faith. Let's instill a Catholic culture in our hearts, homes, families and world and live a life cooperating with and walking alongside Our Lord.


Title Date published
Hearts opened to Life 2024-09-03
What can we do to help keep our kids Catholic during the college years? 2024-08-27
How to foster a praying environment in our homes 2024-08-20
The Power of a Praying Woman (& Man) 2024-08-13
The Domestic Church: What is it and how to build and nurture yours 2024-07-23
What to do when you discover your child has stumbled upon porn 2024-06-27
How to Talk To Your Kids about Pornography & Porn Preventive Steps You Can Take to Keep Your Family Safe 2024-06-20
Mary isn't just for Catholics 2024-05-22
Learning to live after loss 2024-05-14
Mary Gardening--The connection between flowers & Our Blessed Mother 2024-04-30
How to create your own Mary Garden & Inspiration 2024-04-16
Fr Jerry shares about growing up in a home that was totally LIT! 2024-04-02
Are you saved? 2024-03-26
Creating your own Resurrection garden 2024-03-19
Stations of the Cross 2024-03-12
How to become more prayerful in your day? 2024-03-05
Do Catholics even read the Bible? 2024-02-27
The difference between a religious sister and a nun 2024-02-20
Transforming your Mass & Worship experience 2024-02-13
Fertility Education Management & Pietra Fitness with the Integrated Catholic Woman 2024-02-06

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