A deep dive into the strange obscure and relentlessly entertaining portions of human history. Married couple and armchair historians, Stephanie & Andrew, discuss the often overlooked parts of humanity. Whether the subject is an obscure event that has confused historians for centuries or a historical figure that doesn't get enough credit, we have you covered. New episodes available every Monday!


Title Date published
(Remastered) Powerful Priestesses of Rome, the Vestal Virgins 2024-06-24
(Remastered) The Mysterious Underground City of Derinkuyu 2024-06-17
(Remastered) The Witches Who Tried to Stop Hitler 2024-06-10
(Remastered) The Legendary Lawrence of Arabia 2024-06-03
Episode 132: Historical Mass Hysteria 2024-05-27
Episode 131: Marcus Agrippa - The Roman Empire's MVP 2024-05-13
Episode 130: The Mysterious Mary Celeste 2024-05-06
Episode 129: Cannabis History with David Bienenstock 2024-04-20
Episode 128: The Roswell Incident 2024-04-15
Episode 127: America's Most Haunted Sanitorium - Waverly Hills 2024-04-08
Episode 126: The Woman Who Would Be King - Pharaoh Hatshepsut 2024-04-01
Episode 125: Joan of Arc, Teen General and Saint 2024-03-18
Episode 124: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Disaster of 1911 2024-03-12
Episode 123: Florence Nightingale - The Lady with the Lamp 2024-03-04
Episode 122: The One-Eyed Queen vs The Roman Empire 2024-02-26
Episode 121: Balto the Hero & Rin Tin Tin the Film Star 2024-02-19
Episode 120: The Real Queen of Sheba 2024-02-12
Episode 119: Abraham Galloway - Spy, Orator, Freedom Fighter 2024-02-05
Episode 118: The Brutality of the Papin Sisters 2024-01-29
Episode 117: The Assassination of William McKinley 2024-01-22

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