The Yard is a show hosted by Ludwig, Nick, Slime, and Aiden. These four visionaries were sent back from the future to fill the gaping void of white podcasters in LA. So sit back, relax, and please for the love of god shut up you are being so loud right now.


Title Date published
Ep. 160 - The Olympics is Dumb 2024-08-07
Ep. 159 - The Internet is Scary 2024-07-31
Ep. 158 - Gen Z vs Millennials: Who Wins? 2024-07-24
Ep. 157 - We Tried Podcasting with a British person... Again! (ft. CDawgVA) 2024-07-17
Ep. 156 - We Flew 17 Hours to Film This (ft. anything4views) 2024-07-10
Ep. 155 - We replaced him. 2024-07-03
Ep. 154 - click for a prize 2024-06-26
Ep. 153 - We're Leaving 2024-06-19
Ep. 152 - We Swapped Lives For A Day 2024-06-12
Ep. 151 - We Have A Gambling Addiction 2024-06-05
Ep. 150 - The Worst Thing About Ludwig 2024-05-29
Ep. 149 - We Learn How To Mew 2024-05-22
Ep. 148 - Goodbye Ludwig 2024-05-15
Ep. 147 - The FBI Showed Up To His House w/ William Osman 2024-05-08
Ep. 146 - We Try Podcasting w/ LinusTechTips 2024-05-01
Ep. 145 - Ludwig was robbed. Again. 2024-04-24
Ep. 144 - Getting Weird with Brittany Broski 2024-04-17
Ep. 143 - Ludwig's Big Secret 2024-04-10
Ep. 142 - She’s never coming back on our show (ft. Fuslie) 2024-04-03
Ep. 141 - How good is The Yard without Ludwig? 2024-03-27

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