A fortnightly military history podcast looking at all aspect of war throughout the ages.


Title Date published
3410 Eyewitness to war: Ammianus Marcellinus and the Siege of Amida AD 359 - Part 2 2023-12-17
3409 Eyewitness to war: Ammianus Marcellinus and the Siege of Amida AD 359 - Part 1 2023-12-03
3408 What’s in a name? The Battle of Megiddo from Thutmose III to World War One - Part 2 2023-11-19
3407 What’s in a name? The Battle of Megiddo from Thutmose III to World War One - Part 1 2023-10-15
3406 Tackling the Takao – bravery beneath the waves of Singapore harbour 2023-10-01
3405 Iron Valour 2023-09-17
3404 Bushmen against the Boers – Australians in the Boer War 2023-09-03
3403 The Treason of Benedict Arnold - Part 3 2023-08-06
3402 The Treason of Benedict Arnold - Part 2 2023-07-23
3401 The Treason of Benedict Arnold - Part 1 2023-07-09
3310 King of the Few - Adolph 'Sailor' Malan 2023-05-21
3309 - Bloodshed on the Blackwater - the Battle of Maldon 2023-04-30
3308 Fix Bayonets! An heroic old-fashioned charge in the Korean War 2023-04-09
3307 The Aitape-Wewak Campaign 2023-03-26
3306 Heroism in the Hundred Days Offensive 2023-03-12
3305 The Battle of Montgisard 2023-02-19
3304 Epaminondas of Thebes - Part 2 2023-02-05
3303 Epaminondas of Thebes - Part 1 2023-01-22
3302 The Battle of Alcazar 2023-01-08
3301 Charles Upham VC 2022-12-04

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