Will and Mango have lots of questions. Will we ever live without sleep? How do rats keep outsmarting humans? Where are the sunniest tax havens to hide your money? Join these Part-Time Geniuses as they dive into ridiculous topics... and discover some pretty smart stuff along the way.


Title Date published
How Come Esperanto Never Took Off?! 2024-05-02
Why Are There So Many Cheese Crimes? 2024-04-25
How do Michelin Stars Work? 2024-04-18
Why are we so Obsessed with Slime? 2024-04-11
Was Sandra Day O'Connor Our Last Independent Justice? 2023-12-01
9 Starch-tastic Facts about Potatoes! 2022-07-15
9 Chomp-worthy facts about Alligators 2022-04-30
9 Surprising Things Invented by Women 2021-03-08
What's the World's Most Ridiculous Video Game? 2020-09-01
What's the Correct Way for a Queen to Eat a Banana? 2020-08-21
What's So Bad about the Philistines? 2020-05-01
9 Weird Things Hiding Underground 2020-04-20
9 Absurd Inventions You (Probably) Won't See on Shark Tank 2020-04-07
9 Stompy Facts about Godzilla 2020-04-03
How did P. T. Barnum Trick the World into Riding Elevators? 2020-03-30
9 Oddball Comic Book Characters (Who Won't Be Getting Their Own Movie) 2020-03-25
What did Teddy Roosevelt do to Dr. Seuss?! 2020-02-19
Fan Favorite: 9 Reasons to Love Raccoons (Yes, Raccoons) 2019-12-30
Fan Favorite: Why are Russians so good at Chess? 2019-12-26
Fan Favorite: What are the Secret Rules the Royal Family has to Obey? 2019-12-23

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