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Title Date published
ESG: Woke To Broke 2021-10-22
The Bankrupting of America 2021-10-11
The Difference Between a Democracy and a Republic 2021-10-05
Alexander Hamilton and Capitalism: Making America 2021-10-04
James Madison and the Constitution: Making America 2021-10-04
Thomas Jefferson and Equality: Making America 2021-10-04
John Adams and Virtue: Making America 2021-09-30
Benjamin Franklin and the Self-Made Man: Making America 2021-09-28
The Great Texas Freeze of 2021 2021-09-20
Understanding Nixon 2021-09-13
What Radical Islam and the Woke Have In Common 2021-09-07
A Palestinian Explains Hamas 2021-08-31
A Short History of Slavery 2021-08-23
What Unites Americans? 2021-08-16
Why Even Atheists Should Teach Their Children about God 2021-08-09
Who Celebrates Che Guevara? 2021-08-02
Happy Birthday, Dennis Prager! 2021-08-02
The Great Thomas Sowell 2021-07-26
Fewer Penalties, More Crime 2021-07-20
The Georgia Reform Law: Who Wants Fair Elections? 2021-07-12

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