<p>First we follow the Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin. From there, we will cover all aspects of Russian and Soviet history as well as the histories of all of the countries that were part of the USSR and the Russian Empire. Hopefully, the podcast can help you understand the policies of Vladimir Putin, and Russia. If you'd like to support the podcast with a small monthly donation, click this link - <a href="https://www.buzzsprout.com/385372/support">https://www.buzzsprout.com/385372/support</a></p>


Title Date published
Was the Starets Feodor Kuzmich Really Alexander I 2013-10-27
The Four Rebellions - A Final Discussion 2013-10-06
The Pugachev Rebellion 2013-09-22
The Bulavin Rebellion 2013-09-09
The Rebellion of Stenka Razin 2013-09-02
The Bolotnikov Rebellion - 1606-7 2013-08-19
The History of the Russian Orthodox Church - Part 4 2013-08-12
The History of the Russian Orthodox Church - Part 3 2013-08-04
The History of the Russian Orthodox Church - Part 2 2013-07-21
The History of the Russian Orthodox Church - Part 1 2013-07-14
The Geography and Climate of Russia 2013-06-23
Chechnya and Russia: A Bad Relationship 2013-06-17
Vladimir Putin - An Unexpected Rise 2013-05-13
President to Private Citizen - Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin 2013-04-29
A Coup, A Failure, and the Beginning of a New Russia 2013-04-21
Rise of the Phoenix 2013-04-14
Yeltsin Begins to Make His Mark 2013-04-03
Yeltsin Grows Up 2013-03-17
Boris Yeltsin - The Early Years 2013-03-04
The End of the USSR 2013-02-05

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