Real combat stories from the military's elite. This podcast highlights the courageous, outrageous, crazy, and surreal experiences veterans recall from their toughest days in the foxhole, cockpit, and front lines. We interview JTACs, Special Operators (Delta), Special Forces, Jet Pilots, Combat Aviators, Infrantrymen, Marines, and vets from over 50 years of combat experience.Interviews touch on the toughest missions these vets faced, how they handled them, their first combat experiences, how they found their way to the military, and how they managed after leaving the combat behind.


Title Date published
Combat Story (Ep 1): Elliot Ackerman | Marine Platoon Leader in Fallujah | Special Operator | Author | Silver Star 2020-10-25
JT Snow: AH-64 Apache Pilot | Standardization Instructor Pilot | Air Medal (Valor) 2020-10-25
Chris Baity: Marine K-9 Handler | Non-Profit Founder | Washingtonian of the Year 2020-10-25
Jordan Becker: Army Special Forces (10th Group) | Foreign Area Officer 2020-10-25
Wes Bryant: Air Force Special Warfare | SOF TACP-JTAC | Author 2020-10-25
Dr. Clyde Horn: Purple Heart Recipient | Vietnam Infantryman | Author | Psychotherapist 2020-10-25
Eric Brethen: OH-6 Loach & AH-1 Cobra Pilot | Vietnam Veteran | 3 x Distinguished Flying Cross 2020-10-25
Hubert Yoshida: Marine Corps Platoon Commander | Vietnam Veteran | Operation Utah 2020-10-25
Jimmy Settle: Pararescueman (PJ) | Special Operator | Purple Heart & Air Medal (V) Recipient | Author 2020-10-25
Vince "Snapper" Sherer: Retired U.S. Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II "Warthog" Fighter Pilot | CAS SME | Instructor Pilot 2020-10-25

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