Welcome to IndoctriNation: A weekly podcast covering cults, manipulators, and protecting yourself from systems of control.


Title Date published
Analyzing Extremism w/ Mark Potok 2022-01-12
Radical Research w/ Mark Potok 2022-01-05
Comrade Cover-Up w/ Jacob 2021-12-29
Sharp Edged Party Line w/ Jacob 2021-12-22
A Gospel of Neglect w/Anna 2021-12-15
A Quiver Full of Trauma w/ Anna 2021-12-08
Multi-Level Manipulation w/ Roberta Blevins 2021-12-01
Toxic Boss Babe Culture w/ Roberta Blevins 2021-11-24
Trust Me w/ Lola Blanc & Meagan Elizabeth 2021-11-17
Covert Emotional Sadism w/ Thomas 2021-11-10
Future Faking w/Thomas 2021-11-03
Navigating the Minefields of your Mind w/ Claire Headley 2021-10-27
A Cadet's Life in the Sea Org w/Claire Headley 2021-10-20
Magik Flavored Psychology w/Spike Robinson 2021-10-13
MindShift w/Dr. Clint Heacock 2021-10-06
Fighting Hate w/Marilyn Mayo 2021-09-29
A Complicated Cookie w/ Beth Matenaer 2021-09-22
Narconon, and On and On... w/ Pam 2021-09-15
Narconon, Pain, and Perseverance w/ Pam 2021-09-08
Sat Yoga Exposed w/Govinda 2021-09-01

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