TechZing is an informal bi-weekly chat show aimed at entreprenures and hackers interested in creating their own web app startup. The show is both educational (with practical advice) and conversational. Join our Discord, chat with us and fellow listeners!


Title Date published
208: TZ Discussion - Boundary Testing 2012-09-26
207: TZ Discussion - Catalyzed 2012-09-18
206: TZ Interview - Corey Maass / The Birdy 2012-09-08
205: TZ Discussion - Check Your Egometer 2012-09-05
204: TZ Discussion - Don't Panic, It's Only Radiation 2012-08-27
203: TZ Discussion - The Future Ain't What It Used to Be 2012-08-19
202: TZ Discussion - Hacking Jason 2012-08-14
201: TZ Interview - Scott Young / The MIT Challenge 2012-08-05
200: TZ Wives - Setting the Record Straight 2012-08-01
199: TZ Interview - Matin Tamizi / Balanced 2012-07-25
198: TZ Discussion - The Mystery Boom 2012-07-23
197: TZ Interview - Peter Stone / Robot Soccer and Multiagent Learning 2012-07-19
196: TZ Interview - Omri Drory / Genome Compiler 2012-07-14
195: TZ Discussion - What's Your Enthusiasm Half-Life? 2012-07-10
194: TZ Discussion - Respect the Buffer Zone 2012-07-01
193: TZ Interview - Cathal Garvey / Biohacking 2012-06-25
192: TZ Discussion - Trillions and Trillions of Stars 2012-06-18
191: TZ Discussion - The Space that Fills the Vacuum 2012-06-12
190: TZ Interview - Ted Pitts & Harry Hollander / Moraware 2012-06-05
189: TZ Discussion - Synthesizing the Future 2012-06-04

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