"Speaking of Psychology" is an audio podcast series highlighting some of the latest, most important and relevant psychological research being conducted today. Produced by the American Psychological Association, these podcasts will help listeners apply the science of psychology to their everyday lives.


Title Date published
What COVID-19 is teaching us about the importance of smell, with Pamela Dalton, PhD 2021-03-17
How We’re Coping One Year into the Pandemic, with Vaile Wright, PhD 2021-03-10
How meditation can help you live a flourishing life, with Richard Davidson, PhD 2021-03-03
What studying twins can teach us about ourselves, with Nancy Segal, PhD 2021-02-24
How children's amazing brains shaped humanity, with Alison Gopnik, PhD 2021-02-17
The science of relationships, with Gary Lewandowski, PhD 2021-02-10
Can “brain training” games sharpen your mental skills? With Aaron Seitz, PhD 2021-02-03
What is it like to be face blind? With Joe DeGutis, PhD, and Sadie Dingfelder 2021-01-27
Positive Psychology in a Pandemic, with Martin Seligman, PhD 2021-01-20
Why people believe in conspiracy theories, with Karen Douglas, PhD 2021-01-13
How the Science of Habits Can Help Us Keep Our New Year’s Resolutions, with Wendy Wood, PhD 2021-01-06
Encore: Why boredom is surprisingly interesting, with Erin Westgate, PhD 2020-12-30
Why America's bitter politics are like a bad marriage, with Eli Finkel, PhD 2020-12-16
Exploring psychology’s colorful past, with Dr. Cathy Faye, PhD 2020-12-02
The Holiday Blues, with Elaine Rodino, PhD 2020-11-24
Does Diversity Training Work? With Calvin Lai, PhD 2020-11-18
Why Gen Z is Feeling So Stressed, with Emma Adam, PhD 2020-11-04
How to recognize and combat ‘fake news,’ with Dolores Albarracin, PhD 2020-10-28
Will People Accept a COVID-19 Vaccine? With Gretchen Chapman, PhD 2020-10-21
What Drives Voter Behavior? With Jon Krosnick, PhD 2020-10-07

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