Discussions from Ancient Warfare Magazine. Why did early civilisations fight? Who were their Generals? What was life like for the earliest soldiers? Ancient Warfare Magazine will try and answer these questions. Warfare minus two thousand years.


Title Date published
AWA: How did armies store their money? 2020-12-18
AW128 - Fortifications and Siege Warfare 2020-12-11
AWA: Last Stands 2020-12-04
AWA: What was the aftermath of battle like? 2020-11-27
AWA: How did the Celts fight the Greek Phalanx? 2020-11-20
AW124 - Barbarians 2020-11-13
AWA: Cavalry shock tactics without stirrups? 2020-11-06
AWA: What do we know about the Persian Immortals? 2020-10-30
AWA: Were late Roman armies as bad as they say? 2020-10-23
AWA: Did the Romans uses phalanx tactics? 2020-10-16
AW119 - Rise of the Legion 2020-10-09
AWA: How did the Romans adapt to cavalry enemies? 2020-10-02
AWA: How were mercenaries recruited? 2020-09-25
AWA: Were Pila designed to bend? 2020-09-18
AW115 - Rams and Ramming 2020-09-11
ANA: How did Ancient Greek cavalry operate without the stirrup? 2020-09-04
AWA: Why did Sparta adopt the Macedonian Phalanx? 2020-08-28
AWA: Could Boudicca have won? 2020-08-21
Warfare in Hellenistic Asia Minor 2020-08-14
AWA: If the Roman Legion was superior to the phalanx how could Hannibal use such inferior methods and defeat the Romans for years? 2020-08-07

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