You've got questions and astrophysicist Paul M. Sutter has answers - every episode you will come closer to complete knowledge of time and space!


Title Date published
Aas! 23: What's up with exoplanets? 2016-01-05
AaS! Transient Special: What was the Christmas star? 2015-12-22
AaS! 22: Question Bonanza! 2015-12-15
AaS! 21: Are we really made of stars? 2015-12-01
AaS! 20: How much light is in the universe? 2015-11-17
AaS! Special: What did you think of The Martian? 2015-11-12
AaS! 19: How do planets get magnetic fields? 2015-11-03
AaS! 18: Is the universe dying? 2015-10-20
AaS! 17: What banged the Big Bang? 2015-10-06
AaS! 16: How do spiral galaxies form? 2015-09-15
AaS! 15: Will we colonize Mars? 2015-09-01
AaS! 14: What is spacetime? (Part 2) 2015-08-18
AaS! 14: What is spacetime? (Part 1) 2015-08-04
AaS! 13: What the heck is a magnetar? 2015-07-21
AaS! 12: Is life possible around binary stars? 2015-07-07
AaS! 011: What do we do in space? 2015-06-16
AaS! 010: How do black holes form? 2015-06-02
AaS! 009: How big is the universe? 2015-05-19
AaS! 008: Will a comet kill us all? 2015-05-05
AaS! 007: How do we know that dark matter exists? 2015-04-21

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