We cover Atari news, reviews, and a special feature each show for the Atari 8-bit line of computers (400/800/XL/XE/XEGS)


Title Date published
ANTIC Interview 305 - David Seuss, co-founder of Spinnaker Software 2017-09-23
ANTIC Interview 304 - Hal Glicksman, Datamost 2017-09-20
ANTIC Interview 303 - Lee Konowe, American Software Club 2017-09-17
ANTIC Interview 302 - Patricia Mitchell, Thorn EMI 2017-09-14
ANTIC Interview 301 - James Burton, APX Drawit 2017-09-11
ANTIC Interview 300 - Lance Leventhal, Author of Assembly Language Books 2017-09-04
ANTIC Episode 45 - Open Atari 2017-08-31
ANTIC Interview 299 - John Skruch, Atarisoft 2017-08-28
ANTIC Interview 298 - Tom Hunt, Closer to Home BBS 2017-08-13
ANTIC Interview 297 - Robert Anschuetz, Eric Anschuetz, John Weisgberber, Antic magazine games 2017-08-09
ANTIC Interview 296 - Stan Osborne, Atari Design Research 2017-08-06
ANTIC Interview 295 - Harry Stewart, Pilot and WSFN 2017-08-02
ANTIC Interview 294 - Carol Shaw, Atari and Activision 2017-07-30
ANTIC Episode 44 - Hackin' The Atari 2017-07-24
ANTIC Interview 293 - Merl Miller, dilithium Press 2017-07-11
ANTIC Interview 292 - Claus Buchholz & Lance Ward, ACE-80 2017-07-08
ANTIC Interview 291 - Robert Veline, Astro Pyrotechnics 2017-07-04
ANTIC Interview 290 - Gary Koffler, VP at Datasoft and Datamost 2017-07-01
ANTIC Interview 289 - Dan Hale, EasyGrader 2017-06-25
ANTIC Interview 288 - David Thornburg, Koalapad inventor 2017-06-22

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