Broadcaster, Jemma Forte, and political commentator, Marina Purkiss, scroll through Twitter so you don’t have to. Contact the podcast: For advertising opportunities on this podcast email:


Title Date published
027: Harrowing - An NHS Special 2023-01-06
026: Sunak, Tate and Make Twitter Greta Again 2023-01-04
025: A Festive Trawl With Season's Tweetings 2022-12-21
024: Treason, Bootlicking, And A New Coal Mine 2022-12-14
023: Mone Money Mo' Problems 2022-12-08
022 - Part 2: Starmer, Tory Inbetweeners, and Trawling Through Your Qs 2022-12-01
022 - Part 1: Scottish Independence, Katherine Ryan and Manifesting Maniacs 2022-12-01
021 - Part 1: Brexit betrayal, GBeebies polls and Hunty budgets 2022-11-23
020: Reasons To Be Cheerful - Part 2 2022-11-18
020: Reasons To Be Cheerful - Part 1 2022-11-16
019: I'm A Twitterer... Get Musk Outta Here! 2022-11-12
018: Braver-mon? Bra-verr-man? Fascist or Fast-whisk?! 2022-11-03
017: Suella, Sunak, Schools, and The Sunburnt Bladder 2022-10-27
016: Dial H for Hunt. Wot Miriam said... 2022-10-17
015: Fly Cruella Airlines 2022-10-05
014: Let's Be Clear, Liz Truss Woz 'Ere 2022-10-02
013: Liz Truss Doesn't Accept The Premise of Your Mortgage 2022-09-30
012: The Dark Arts of Thinkie Tankie Bankies 2022-09-26
011: Spanking The Treasury - (Mini) Budget Special 2022-09-25
010: The Bankers' Bonus "Fiscal Event" 2022-09-24

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