A podcast by Kole Ross and Gary Butterfield taking a monster-by-monster look at all of the goofy, inspired, and sometimes dull creature designs in the 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual of Dungeons and Dragons. Join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for short episodes about your favorite beasties.


Title Date published
Spawn of the Winds0 2019-04-19
Space Eaters 2019-04-15
Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath 2019-04-12
Proto-Shoggoths 2019-04-10
Shoggoths 2019-04-08
Shantaks 2019-04-05
Shaggai 2019-04-03
Insects from Shaggai 2019-04-01
Denizens of S'glhou 2019-03-29
Serpent People 2019-03-27
Seekers 2019-03-25
Sand-Dwellers 2019-03-22
Reptile People 2019-03-20
Rat-Things 2019-03-18
Rat People 2019-03-15
Petesouchi 2019-03-13
Pallid Dancers 2019-03-11
Servitors of the Outer Gods 2019-03-08
Minions of Othuum 2019-03-06
Spawn of Nyogtha 2019-03-04

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