Welcome to IndoctriNation: A weekly podcast covering cults, manipulators, and protecting yourself from systems of control.


Title Date published
A Close Call w/ Zoe Scurletis 2021-08-25
Leaving The Family Compound w/ Cody & Kandi 2021-08-18
Deception In The Dojo w/ Rob from McDojo Life 2021-08-11
A Witness To Homophobia w/ Geoff Law 2021-08-04
Weapons of Information w/Olga Yurkova 2021-07-28
Playhouse Abuses w/ Andrea Geones and Michael Laskin 2021-07-21
Hero Worship w/ Andrea Geones and Michael Laskin 2021-07-14
Picking Up The Pieces Of Yourself w/ Lisa 2021-07-07
Cognitive Shift w/ Chris & Melissa Buckley 2021-06-30
Crazy Wise Guys w/Jonathan Hirsch 2021-06-23
Too Cultish For Comfort w/ Amanda Montell 2021-06-16
Extremism Is Like A Drug w/ Chris Buckley 2021-06-09
Spiritually Advised Neglect w/ Lauren Hunter 2021-06-02
Living Between Two Worlds w/Elli 2021-05-26
Suppressing Emotions w/ Elli 2021-05-19
"It's not Christian, and it's not science" w/Elli 2021-05-12
"I don't know who I am anymore" w/ Rachel and Erin Alder 2021-05-05
"If it's negative, it's a lie" w/ Erin and Rachel Alder 2021-04-28
Mining For Vulnerabilities w/ Erin and Rachel Alder 2021-04-21
Spiritual Meshugas Of Nothing w/Robbie Balonick 2021-04-14

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