CWTR is a weekly, hour long, intenet-based talk radio show hosted by Gerry Prokopowicz of East Carolina University. Each week, Gerry interviews leading historians, authors, enthusiasts, etc. on all things Civil War related.


Title Date published
1415-Terry Alford-Fortunes Fool: A Life of John Wilkes Booth 2018-01-10
1414-Sam Elliot-John C. Brown of Tennessee: Rebel, Redeemer, and Railroader 2017-12-06
1413-Anthony Waskie-Philadelphia and the Civil War: Arsenal of the Union 2017-11-29
1412-Gordon Rhea-On to Petersburg: Grant and Lee, June 4-15, 1864 2017-11-15
1411-Gary Kross-Gary Kross, Gettysburg Licensed Battlefield Guide 2017-11-08
1410-Carleton Young-Voices from the Attic: The Williamstown Boys in the Civil War 2017-11-01
1409-D.H. Dilbeck-A More Civil War: How the Union Waged a Just War 2017-10-25
1408-Joan Waugh-The American War: A History of the Civil War Era 2017-10-18
1407-Cate Lineberry-Be Free or Die: The Amazing Story of Robert Smalls Escape from Slavery to Union Hero 2017-10-11
1406-Kenneth Heineman-Civil War Dynasty: The Ewing Family of Ohio 2017-10-04
1405-Jeff Richman-"The Gallant Sims": A Civil War Hero Rediscovered 2017-09-27
1404-Nancie Gudmestad-Shriver House Museum 2017-09-20
1403-Mark A. Noll-The Civil War as a Theological Crisis 2017-09-13
1402-Mark Will-Weber-Muskets and Applejack: Spirits, Soldiers, and the Civil War 2017-09-06
1401-Steven E. Sodergren-The Army of the Potomac in the Overland and Petersburg Campaigns: Union Soldiers and Trench Warfare 2017-08-30
1335-Timothy B. Smith-Grant Invades Tennessee: The 1862 Battles for Forts Henry and Donelson 2017-06-21
1334-Brian McCarthy-The Better Angels of Our Nature 2017-06-07
1333-David Powell-Barren Victory: The Retreat in Chattanooga, the Confederate Pursuit, and the Aftermath of the Battle, September 21 to October 20, 1863 2017-05-31
1332-Michael McCarthy-Confederate Waterloo: The Battle of Five Forks, April 1, 1865 and the Controversy that Brought Down a General 2017-05-17
1331-Drew Gruber-Civil War Trails, Inc. 2017-05-10

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