Leading ADHD experts give real-life answers to questions submitted by ADD adults and parents raising children with attention deficit disorder across a range of topics covering symptoms, school, work, and family life. Download the accompanying slide presentations here: additudemag.com/adhd-expert-webinars-index (look for the episode number). Note on audio quality: This podcast is a recording of a webinar series, and the audio has been captured from conversations recorded via a computer or telephone, not in a studio. Register to participate in the live webinars at: additudemag.com/tag/webinar.


Title Date published
264- 7 No-Fail Strategies for Getting Homework Done on Time and Without Drama 2019-10-16
263- What Teachers Should Know About Their Students with ADHD 2019-10-15
262- Time for Bed! Sleep Solutions for the ADHD Brain 2019-10-14
261- Tech to the Rescue: Create a Technology Toolbox for Students with ADHD and LD 2019-10-04
260- What Is ADHD? Everything You Need to Know Before and After a Diagnosis 2019-10-03
259- The Best Kind of Discipline: Behavioral Parent Training for Children with ADHD 2019-10-02
258- "Could I Be on the Autism Spectrum?" – ASD in Adults 2019-10-01
257- All the Feels: An ADHD Guide to Emotional Dysregulation & Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria 2019-09-30
256- Everything in Its Place: The ADHD Guide to Better Organization 2019-09-18
255- A Parent's Guide to Changing Schools for Your Student with ADHD or LD 2019-09-17
254- Worry Less: Managing Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with ADHD 2019-09-16
253- Vaping and Teens with ADHD: What Parents Need to Know 2019-09-13
252- How to Optimize ADHD Stimulant Treatment for Children and Adults 2019-09-12
251- Mindfulness and Self-Regulation Strategies for Children with ADHD 2019-09-11
250- Beyond Shame and Guilt: Transformative Strategies for Women with ADD 2019-09-10
249- The Social Lives of Boys with ADHD 2019-09-09
248- The Gift of Grit: Helping Children with ADHD Overcome Failure, Fear, & Disappointment 2019-09-06
247- Teaching Executive Functions to Children with ADHD: A Course for Teachers (and Parents) 2019-09-05
246- The Exercise Rx for ADHD 2019-09-05
245- Find Your Path: A Roadmap for Choosing a College, a Career, or Something Different 2019-09-04

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