The Application Security Weekly podcast delivers interviews and news from the worlds of AppSec, DevOps, DevSecOps, and all the other ways people find and fix software flaws. Join hosts Mike Shema, John Kinsella, and Akira Brand on a journey through modern security practices for apps, clouds, containers, and more.


Title Date published
Security Champions in an Online First World - Ashish Rajan - ASW #171 2021-10-25
View Source, Bindiff for Vuln Analysis, Bypass with GitHub Actions, & NIST DevSecOps - ASW #170 2021-10-19
Dev(Sec)Ops Scanning Challenges & Tips - Nuno Loureiro, Tiago Mendo - ASW #170 2021-10-18
Twitch Breach, HTTPd Path Traversal, Disabling Macros, & Great Cybersecurity Programs - ASW #169 2021-10-12
Modernizing the Management of Your Software Supply Chain - Tom Gibson - ASW #169 2021-10-11
Prototype Pollution, Funding Open Source Security, Expiring Root CA, Mariana Trench - ASW #168 2021-10-05
The Power of Developer-First Security - Hillary Benson - ASW #168 2021-10-04
AppSec Orchestration/Correlation & DevSecOps Efficiency - Anita D'Amico, Patrick Carey - ASW #167 2021-09-28
Exchange's Great Leak, RCE in VMware, IoT Bug in MQTT, & Chrome's Memory Safety Nets - ASW #167 2021-09-27
OMIGOD, FORCEDENTRY, Code Ownership, Security as a Product, & IoT Device Criteria - ASW #166 2021-09-21
Transforming Modern Software Development with Developer-First AppSec - Jeff Williams - ASW #166 2021-09-20
OWASP Top 10, CISA Bad Practices, Azurescape, Confluence RCE, & API Security Tokens - ASW #165 2021-09-14
Findings From the 2021 AppSec Shift Left Progress Report - Manish Gupta - ASW #165 2021-09-13
ChaosDB, OpenSSL String Bugs, Revealing Locations, & More Top 15 Vulns - ASW #164 2021-08-31
A DevOps Perspective on Risk Tolerance & Risk Transfer - Caroline Wong - ASW #164 2021-08-30
BlackBerry's BadAlloc, Glibc's NULL, Backtick Command Injection, & ProxyLogon Details - ASW #163 2021-08-24
Challenges in Open Source Application Security - Shubhra Kar - ASW #163 2021-08-23
Cracked Concatenation, Injection Against DNS, Allstar GitHub, & DEF CON Highlights - ASW #162 2021-08-17
DevSecOps - Making It Real - Mike Rothman - ASW #162 2021-08-16
Securing Modern Web Apps: Development Techniques are Changing - Tom Hudson - ASW #161 2021-08-16

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