A podcast by Kole Ross and Gary Butterfield taking a monster-by-monster look at all of the goofy, inspired, and sometimes dull creature designs in the 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual of Dungeons and Dragons. Join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for short episodes about your favorite beasties.


Title Date published
Ny'ghan-Grii 2019-03-01
Nioth-Korghai 2019-02-28
Nightgaunts 2019-02-25
Nagaae 2019-02-22
Mr. Shiny 2019-02-20
Moon-Beasts 2019-02-18
Miri Nigri 2019-02-15
Mind Parasites 2019-02-14
Mi-Go 2019-02-11
Martians 2019-02-09
Martense Kin 2019-02-06
Lumens 2019-02-04
Lloigor 2019-02-01
Inhabitants of L'gy'hx 2019-01-30
Leng Spiders 2019-01-28
Men of Leng 2019-01-25
People of K'n-yan 2019-01-23
Beings of Ib 2019-01-21
Hyperboreans 2019-01-18
Hunting Horrors of Nyarlathotep 2019-01-16

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