<p>Step out of black and white thinking. Shortlisted in top 10 for the People's Choice Podcast Awards 2017 in Education (maybe I should try entering an award again - I haven't since). I'm unboxable. A podcast that ranges from Children to Adults. Personality to Psychology. Education to Development. Philosophy to a modern critique of society and our politics. Self-help to Spiritualism. Vulnerability &amp; creativity. Racism &amp; Society Culture I started out caring about success - now I care about secureness. And I am to do this in a way that sits with my own authentic self and spiritual nature. I don't aim to give answers - I aim to give you permission to arrive at your own. Critical thinking possible for everyone regardless of education status. Writing - on .patreon dot com/purplepsychology become a supporter of this podcast - more information (drnaoiseoreilly dot org). Thank you! Podcast disclaimer on Purple Psychology dot com. More information drnaoiseoreilly dot org. ©Dr. Naoisé O'Reilly 2024. <strong>Please support this podcast and my fee-free work on Patreon </strong></p>


Title Date published
Episode 206: We rarely reward people who don’t compromise 2020-11-19
Episode 205: Anxiety - why it is different for different personalities 2020-11-17
Episode 204: The un-nameable podcast 2020-11-11
Episode 203: Parents never embrace the teenage years 2020-11-10
Episode 202: The sea of Red represents your own growth 2020-11-06
Episode 201: The power of the individual - how people grow like trees 2020-10-29
Episode 200: What we need to learn during the pandemic 2020-10-27
Episode 199 Representative, politician or businessman - Thoughts on the final presidential election debate 2020-10-23
Episode 198: Migration and Education 2020-10-21
Episode 197: Women need to get pissed off during the pandemic 2020-10-19
Episode 196: I can't be the only person capable of smiling during a pandemic? Using schools to create society. 2020-10-19
Episode 195: Agism and Covid-19 2020-10-13
Episode 194: You create unconditional in the extremes 2020-10-12
Episode 193: College and university students stuck in their dorms - mental well-being 2020-10-08
Episode 192 Voice patterns in the Vice Presidental Debate 2020-10-08
Episode 191: Introverts and Extroverts social media - sharing pain 2020-10-06
Episode 190: Black masculinity and how the world is afraid 2020-10-06
Episode 189: The great divide - how to close the gap in humanity not just an election 2020-10-02
Episode 188: Thoughts on 1st US presidential debate - affects on domestic abuse 2020-09-30
Episode 187: Why do we read out loud? What is the purpose of reading? 2020-09-28

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