Will and Mango have lots of questions. Will we ever live without sleep? How do rats keep outsmarting humans? Where are the sunniest tax havens to hide your money? Join these Part-Time Geniuses as they dive into ridiculous topics... and discover some pretty smart stuff along the way.


Title Date published
What are the only 10 Foods You'd Need to Survive? 2017-11-01
What's Everyday life like on Antarctica? 2017-10-27
9 Halloween Facts to Stuff in your Pillowcases! 2017-10-26
What's so great about Canada? (Spoiler: Lots of things!) 2017-10-25
What are the World’s Worst Jobs? 2017-10-20
9 Disney Facts to Work into Conversations Immediately! 2017-10-19
Why don't we use Rockets to Send Mail Anymore? 2017-10-18
Why are we so Nostalgic for Sugary Breakfast Cereals? 2017-10-13
9 Mouthwatering Facts about Sandwiches 2017-10-12
How Big is the US Military? 2017-10-11
What's it take to be a Superfan? 2017-10-06
The 9 Weirdest Things Intentionally Buried By People 2017-10-05
Are Bananas Going Extinct? 2017-10-04
What's the Secret to a Better Prison System? 2017-09-29
BONUS: 9 Strange, Fun and Wonderful Non-Profits we Just Learned About 2017-09-28
What will Computer Implants do for our Brains? 2017-09-27
Which Country has the Secret to the Smartest Students? 2017-09-22
Bonus: 9 Facts about Rich People and/or Sigourney Weaver 2017-09-21
Why do Democrats like Coke and Republicans like Pepsi? (and other Revelations from the Cola Wars) 2017-09-20
What Does the Internet Know About You? 2017-09-15

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