Danny Vega and friends read listener submissions, & pilfers from the AITA subreddit to discuss modern questions of morality, relationships, and juice (gossip). Why? To answer one simple question: am I the a**hole? Submit at reddit.com/r/aitapod, amitheahole@gmail.com, or 307-212-8818 (voice accepted). 


Title Date published
273 AITA for making a mutual friend pay for her share of a trip that she didn’t attend? 2022-01-03
271 AITA for “perpetuating ethnic stereotypes” about Jorts? 2021-12-27
269 xt: AITA for saying I choose myself over my baby and not wanting to be teased about it? (ft. Katie Sicking) 2021-12-22
268 AITA for refusing to pay for my fiancés ticket? (Ft. James of Vermont) 2021-12-20
267 xt: AITA telling the school my daughter is Puerto Rican even though she passes for white? (ft. Lizbett Perez) 2021-12-17
265 xt: AITA for suing to overturn my daughter's adoption? (ft. @AmericasComic) 2021-12-15
264 AITA for telling my GF her hair stinks? 2021-12-13
262 xt: AITA for calling my depressed brother a total jobless loser? (ft. @eliyudin) 2021-12-08
261 AITA For reducing physical contact with my GF because of her farting? 2021-12-06
259 xt: AITA for believing in astrology? (ft. Lisa Chanoux) 2021-11-30
258 AITA for Going To A Work Party After Calling Out Sick? 2021-11-22
256 AITA telling my sister it was dumb to expect the same lifestyle post divorce? (ft. @lawyerlimor) 2021-11-15
254 AITA for wanting ONLY vegan food at my bday party? 2021-11-08
252 AITA for refusing to give up my seat on a flight due to a person who has a guide dog? 2021-11-01
250 AITA for comparing my bf to my ex over chicken wing sauce? 2021-10-25
248 AITA: more bad art friend + AITA ditching a wedding bc my bff wasn't invited? (Ft. Dan from London) 2021-10-18
247 xt: AITA for being Seth Simons (ft. Chandler Dean) 2021-10-15
245 AITA refusing to do what my gf wanted during my two weeks off? (Ft. Brian) 2021-10-11
243 AITA for being a bad art friend? 2021-10-08
244 AITA for telling my daughter she can't live with us after college? 2021-10-07

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