<p>First we follow the Russian rulers from Rurik to Putin. From there, we will cover all aspects of Russian and Soviet history as well as the histories of all of the countries that were part of the USSR and the Russian Empire. Hopefully, the podcast can help you understand the policies of Vladimir Putin, and Russia. If you'd like to support the podcast with a small monthly donation, click this link - <a href="https://www.buzzsprout.com/385372/support">https://www.buzzsprout.com/385372/support</a></p>


Title Date published
The Transformation of Stalin 2012-01-22
Mikhail Bakunin - The Collectivist Anarchist 2012-01-09
Koba, Lenin's Left Leg 2011-12-24
Soso, The Young Stalin 2011-12-18
Comrade Lenin We Hardly Knew You 2011-12-11
The Russian Civil War 2011-12-04
The Bolsheviks are Coming, the Bolsheviks are Coming 2011-11-27
The Provisional Government 2011-11-14
Questions and Answers #1 2011-10-30
Death to the Romanov's 2011-10-24
Why Did It Have To End? 2011-10-16
From Celebrations to the Misery of War 2011-10-11
The Beginning of the End for Nicholas II 2011-10-02
Tsar Nicholas II Loses His Relationship With His People 2011-09-27
Road Trip to Destruction 2011-09-19
Nicholas II and His String of Major Errors 2011-09-04
The Ascension of the Last Romanov 2011-08-29
Reforms? There Will Be No Reforms! 2011-08-08
Kill the Reformer 2011-07-31
The Ascension of the Great Liberator - Alexander II 2011-07-24

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