You Are Not So Smart is a show about psychology that celebrates science and self delusion. In each episode, we explore what we've learned so far about reasoning, biases, judgments, and decision-making.


Title Date published
044 - Inbetweenisode - James Burke And Matt Novak (Rebroadcast) 2015-02-25
043 - Misremembering - Julia Shaw and Dan Simons 2015-02-11
042 - Bodily Resonance - Lara Maister 2015-01-28
041 - Inbetweenisode - The Game/Ceiling Crasher 2015-01-15
040 - Monkey Marketplace - Laurie Santos 2015-01-06
039 - Blind Insight - Ryan Scott 2014-12-17
038 - Inbetweenisode - The Halo Effect 2014-12-09
037 - Motivation - Daniel Pink 2014-11-23
036 - The Dunning-Kruger Effect 2014-11-10
035 - Inbetweenisode - The Sunk Cost Fallacy 2014-11-02
034 - The Post Hoc Fallacy 2014-10-14
033 - Belief - Will Storr 2014-09-30
032 - Ego Depletion 2014-09-13
031 - Extinction Burst 2014-08-27
030 - Practice - David Epstein 2014-08-14
029 - Labels - Adam Alter 2014-08-01
028 - Crowds - Michael Bond 2014-07-18
027 - Science Communication - Joe Hanson 2014-07-09
026 - Maslow's Hammer 2014-06-20
025 - Enclothed Cognition - Hajo Adam 2014-06-06

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