Will and Mango have lots of questions. Will we ever live without sleep? How do rats keep outsmarting humans? Where are the sunniest tax havens to hide your money? Join these Part-Time Geniuses as they dive into ridiculous topics... and discover some pretty smart stuff along the way.


Title Date published
Bonus: 9 Super Facts Hiding in your Supermarket 2017-09-14
What Invention Deserves Way More Credit Than We Give It? 2017-09-13
Can you Game a Dog Show? 2017-09-08
How to Build the Ultimate Theme Park 2017-09-06
What's the Science of Invisibility? 2017-09-01
Does Pizza Bring Out the Worst In People? 2017-08-30
Bonus: 9 Facts to Make You Smile 2017-08-28
What’s the Best Day of the Week? 2017-08-25
What should you Plant in your Poisonous Garden? 2017-08-23
What are the Strangest College Classes We Desperately Want to Take? 2017-08-18
Who's gonna live to 100? 2017-08-16
Bonus: I need some Weird Eclipse Facts, pronto! Please Help! 2017-08-14
Why is IKEA obsessed with building a Better Meatball? 2017-08-11
How Do Con Artists Keep Fooling Us? 2017-08-09
What are our favorite secrets about the Vatican? 2017-08-04
What are the Weirdest Things the Government Invests In? 2017-08-02
What Does the Future of Water Look Like? 2017-07-28
Are We Really Breathing Julius Caesar's Last Breath? 2017-07-26
Is Exercising to Lose Weight a Myth? 2017-07-21
Do Personality Tests Work? 2017-07-19

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