Money shouldn’t be this hard—and it isn’t! Join YNAB founder Jesse Mecham as he dives into the essentials of spendfulness. Learn tips and tools to transform your spending into a source of joy, clarity, and confidence.


Title Date published
Atomic Budgeting Pt. 5: The Environment That Shapes You 2020-07-20
Atomic Budgeting Pt. 4: The Four Laws of Behavior Change 2020-07-13
Atomic Budgeting Pt. 3: Becoming, Not Achieving 2020-07-06
Atomic Budgeting Pt. 2: Systems, Not Goals 2020-06-29
Atomic Budgeting: Compound Interest 2020-06-22
Financial Wellness by YNAB 2020-06-15
Daily Reconciliation and Gardening 2020-06-01
Doing Nothing Is Something 2020-05-25
Chickens, Fruit Trees, and Trellises 2020-05-18
Windfalls and Uncertainty 2020-05-11
YNAB and COVID-19 2020-05-04
Chasing Value 2020-04-27
Write That Gem Down! 2020-04-20
Rule Zero Morphs Before Your Very Eyes 2020-04-13
You've Never Budgeted At A Time Like This 2020-04-06
The Commander's Intent 2020-03-30
Don't Be Average... You Can't Be Anyway 2020-03-23
Budget. No, Budget! 2020-03-16
Wait! 2020-03-09
Doing Nothing Is Something 2020-03-02

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