Reporter Jim Quirk discusses UFOs and other mysterious topics and some current affairs. Please check out my YouTube channel, as well: Contact Jim Quirk at


Title Date published
Proposed UAP Disclosure Amendment Nearly Acknowledges Existence of Extraterrestrials 2023-07-18
Gray Aliens are Known as "Ganzi," and They're NOT Friendly, says Alleged Whistleblower 2023-07-17
Man Finds Giant Mantis Alien in the Shower 2023-07-15
UFO Control Group, Pentagon Brace for Whistleblower Impact 2023-07-14
Mojave Triangle Apparently Flares/Host Addresses ET Reality Subscriber Comments 2023-07-13
Praying Mantis Aliens/UFOs and Water/Vegas Alien Investigator Cries Hoax 2023-07-12
Extraterrestrial Waste Evacuation Theory 2023-07-11
Redditor Alleges he Studied Aliens for Government/Coulthart says Building Hides Giant UFO 2023-07-10
Whistleblower News, Reptilian on Plane, Vegas Alien Debunker Dismantled 2023-07-07
Loeb Believes He Found Potential Evidence of ET Life 2023-07-05
Scott Roder Talks About Vegas Alien, Debunker Michael Shermer, & More 2023-07-04
Air Force has an Alien Implant Removal Program, Vet Claims 2023-07-03
Coulthart Doubts UFO Disclosure is on Horizon/Some UFO Whistleblowers Failed Background Checks 2023-07-03
Vegas Alien Witnesses Hire Attorney/NASA Preparing for Mars Trip 2023-07-02
New Bill Grants Amnesty to Defense Contractors who Disclose Extraterrestrial Craft Secrets 2023-06-30
Congressman's Skepticism of Grusch's UFO Coverup Claims is Misguided 2023-06-30
UK Flying Saucer/Grusch Reveals More UFO Coverup Details 2023-06-29
UFO Disclosure Might Happen This Summer 2023-06-28
Sen. Rubio: Numerous UFO Whistleblowers Shared Knowledge of Recovered Alien Craft with Congress Over the Past Two Years 2023-06-27
UFO Coverup and Stigmatization Ruined Wyoming Rancher's Life 2023-06-26

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