You can‘t hide from The Saad Truth! The home for science, reason, logic, and common sense.


Title Date published
My Thoughts on the ”Don’t Say Gay” Floriday Bill (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_386) 2022-03-31
My Thoughts on the Will Smith-Chris Rock Saga (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_385) 2022-03-29
The Narcissism and Grandiosity of Celebrities (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_384) 2022-03-27
My Chat with Dr. J. Budziszewski, Author of How and How Not to be Happy (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_383) 2022-03-25
The Dangers of the ”I’m Not a Biologist” Judge Who Can’t Define Womanhood (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_382) 2022-03-24
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson May Have Assaulted Me at Camp B’Nai Brith in 1977 (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_381) 2022-03-23
My Chat with Bestselling Author and Radio Host Dennis Prager (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_380) 2022-03-15
My Appearance on Tucker Carlson Today (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_379) 2022-03-15
Are Professors Allowed to Express Opinions as Private Citizens? (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_378) 2022-03-09
My Chat with Economist Dr. Robert Frank, Author of Success and Luck (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_377) 2022-03-09
My Thoughts on Florida, Hillsdale College, Tucker Carlson, and Family Quarrels (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_376) 2022-03-03
My Chat with Classicist and Military Historian Dr. Victor Davis Hanson (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_375) 2022-02-21
Joe Rogan and I Discussing Justin Trudeau (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_374) 2022-02-19
My Son Supports the Trucker Convoy - I’ve Gone Back Into Hiding (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_373) 2022-02-17
Justin Trudeau, the Emergencies Act, and My Future in Canada (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_372) 2022-02-15
Deeply Moving Letter & Package Received from a Major in the Canadian Military (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_371) 2022-02-09
Best Revenge is to Live a Good Life - Don’t Wallow in Perpetual Victimhood (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_370) 2022-02-09
Spotify Deletes One of My Joe Rogan Episodes - I Think I Know Why (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_369) 2022-02-05
I Self-Flagellate Therefore I Am - I Apologize for Everything (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_368) 2022-02-05
The Power of Joe Rogan (The Saad Truth with Dr. Saad_367) 2022-02-04

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