The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology (and, now, ancient history of the Mediterranean) told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.<br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.</p>


Title Date published
First He Made Us Feel For Agamemnon, and Now Menelaus is Sexy?! Euripides’ Helen (Part 3) 2022-08-09
RE-AIR: Liv Reads Ovid, the Heroides of Paris & Helen 2022-08-05
TFW Your Ghost Eidolon Causes the Most Famous War in Ancient History, Euripides’ Helen (Part 2) 2022-08-02
Conversations: Getting Trapped in Plato's Web... Timaeus, Atlantis, & Hesiodic Myth w/ Kaitlyn Boulding 2022-07-29
What If Helen Was a Ghost, Though? Euripides’ Helen (Part 1) 2022-07-26
Anniversary Special: Let’s Learn About the Ancient Mediterranean! 2022-07-22
How Much Mythology Is Too Much?? Five Years of Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby! 2022-07-19
Liv Reads Ovid: The Heroides of Penelope & Dido 2022-07-15
Mythology Meets History, Theseus as an Athenian Politician & Generally Awful Guy 2022-07-12
Conversations: Textual Ghosts, The Intersection of Athenian Autochthony and Disability, w/ Justin Lorenzo Biggi 2022-07-08
Liv Reads Lucian: The True History, Part 3 2022-07-05
RE-AIR: Conversations: Who Really is Hephaestus? Disability in Greek Myth w/ Kyle Lewis Jordan (Part 1) 2022-07-01
Liv Reads Lucian: The True History, Part 2 2022-06-28
Liv Reads Ovid: The Heroides of Leander & Hero 2022-06-24
Liv Reads Lucian: The True History, Part 1 2022-06-21
Conversations: Just Keep Swimming, Hero, Leander & the World of Ancient Swimming w/ Professor Karen Carr 2022-06-17
Leander Swam Far Beyond the Ancient World, The Stormy Story of Hero & Leander 2022-06-14
PRIDE SPECIAL: Call Them Queer, Conversations of Queerness, Asexuality, Nonbinary Gods & So Much More 2022-06-10
PRIDE SPECIAL: Gay Gods, Transgender Transformations, & Pansexual Poets, LGBTQIA Representation in Ancient Greece 2022-06-07
Liv Reads the Batrachomyomachia, the Battle of Frogs & Mice 2022-06-03

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