Unbelievable? offers a weekly podcast, blog, and video series hosted by Ruth Jackson and a team of thinkers and Christian apologists.


Title Date published
Classic Replay: David Bentley Hart debates ‘Atheist Delusions’ 2021-12-14
How should humans live in an inhuman world? Alan Noble and Kelly Kapic 2021-12-10
Classic Replay: Is the Bible Unbelievable? 2021-12-07
James White vs William Lane Craig: Calvinism vs Molinism on the problem of evil 2021-12-03
Classic Replay: Women and church leadership debate 2021-11-30
Why are Christian musicians deconstructing? Audrey Assad and Fr Chris Foley 2021-11-26
Classic Replay: Did Osama Bin Laden represent the true face of Islam? 2021-11-23
Is toxic masculinity a problem in the church? Kyle Thompson and Martin Saunders 2021-11-19
Classic Replay: Brian McLaren & James White debate the Emerging Church 2021-11-16
Do we need to rethink the Koran and the Trinity? Abdulla Galadari and Joshua Sijuwade 2021-11-12
Classic Replay: Bart Ehrman vs Mike Licona - Resurrection Debate 2021-11-09
What does the science of climate change say? Hugh Ross and Antonia Godber 2021-11-05
Classic Replay: Is God a Moral Monster? Paul Copan vs Norman Bacrac 2021-11-02
CS Lewis on screen - Max McLean and Norman Stone on The Most Reluctant Convert movie 2021-10-29
Classic Replay: Muslim & Christian debate - Did Jesus die on the cross? 2021-10-26
Should Christians practise Yoga? Mike Shreve and Chris James 2021-10-22
Classic Replay: Does Music point to God? 2021-10-19
CRT and Woke Christianity - Owen Strachan vs Jermaine Marshall 2021-10-15
Classic Replay: Is the King James Version the best? 2021-10-12
Abortion and the Texas heartbeat bill - Stephanie Gray Connors vs Rev Bromleigh McCleneghan 2021-10-08

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