Daily astrology happenings that are easy to understand and put into a practical way rather than ominous like most horoscopes.


Title Date published
Aspects collide as the energy continues to ramp up! 2021-12-14
The energy picks up and Venus takes center stage. 2021-12-13
The biggest aspect of the week hits and the energy pops! 2021-12-11
Separating emotionally, adjusting, strong actions and more! 2021-12-10
Collision of energy and my thoughts about the month ahead. 2021-12-09
Overdoing, truth telling, chaos, it’s all hitting today. 2021-12-08
Bam! A two year stressful aspect ends and you are ready to move forward. 2021-12-07
Special Episode: The week ahead and my personal message to you. 2021-12-06
Strong decision aspects arrive today. 2021-12-05
Special episode: The New Moon Eclipse has arrived. 2021-12-04
The aspects combined and a truly explosive day is born! 2021-12-03
Explosive news, endings, love connections and more! 2021-12-02
Neptune goes direct and the energy takes off. 2021-12-01
Mixed energy, things coming, going, time to decide. 2021-11-30
New beginning aspects hitting all week long! 2021-11-29
Focused energy with large change aspects hitting as well. 2021-11-28
The new variant arrives, blind spots kick in and actions are taken. 2021-11-27
Great vibes of understanding, AHA moments and more. 2021-11-26
Freedom aspects hitting today. 2021-11-25
The energy mixes and things get intense. 2021-11-24

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