<p>Math teacher educator Pam Harris and her cohost Kim Montague answer the question: If not algorithms, then what? Join them for ~15-30 minutes every Tuesday as they cast their vision for mathematics education and give actionable items to help teachers teach math that is Figure-Out-Able. See www.MathisFigureOutAble.com for more great resources!</p>


Title Date published
Ep 17: Social vs Logical Knowledge 2020-10-13
Ep 16: The Language of Counting 2020-10-06
Ep. 15: Problem Solving with a Twist 2020-09-29
Ep 14: Guess My Number 2020-09-22
Ep 13: Mathematics for Teaching 2020-09-15
Ep 12: Top 3 Things to Start the Year: Know Your Beliefs 2020-09-08
Ep 11: Top 3 Things to Start the Year: Building Culture Remotely 2020-09-01
Ep 10: Top 3 Things to Start the Year: Student Names 2020-08-25
Ep 9: Strategies and Models 2020-08-18
Ep 8: More Cool Things Mathy People Do 2020-08-11
Ep 7: I Have, You Need 2020-08-04
Ep 6: The Development of Mathematical Reasoning Pt 2: Functional Reasoning 2020-07-28
Ep 5: The Development of Mathematical Reasoning 2020-07-21
Ep 4: Top Ten Influencers 2020-07-14
Ep 3: Mentoring Mathematicians 2020-07-07
Ep 2: Math Does Not Equal Algorithms! 2020-06-30
Ep 1: Math is Figureoutable 2020-06-16

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