Chris D'Elia (comedian: Grow or Die (available on, No Pain, Comedians of the World, Man on Fire, Incorrigible on Netflix, White Male Black Comic on Comedy Central) sits down every week to talk about what's on his mind.


Title Date published
34. The Beautiful Manuscript 2017-09-18
33. Gargle, Gargle 2017-09-12
32. Maurice Micklewhite 2017-09-04
31. Fried Butterfly 2017-08-28
30. Noise Wedding 2017-08-21
29. Nashdakota 2017-08-15
28. Vape Olympics 2017-08-07
27. Queen of the Slammed 2017-07-31
26. 7HRIS 2017-07-24
25. The Story of OJ 2017-07-17
24. Put a Demon in It 2017-07-10
23. What a China! 2017-07-03
22. Europeans Vs. Monsters 2017-06-27
21, Oh I’m Diane I’m So Cool 2017-06-20
20. Unreal Pants 2017-06-13
19. Christo.Pher 2017-06-06
18. Shout Out To All The Pear 2017-05-29
17. Autopussy 2017-05-22
16 - Menefreghista 2017-05-15
15. Gay Barnacles 2017-05-08

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