Welcome to IndoctriNation: A weekly podcast covering cults, manipulators, and protecting yourself from systems of control.


Title Date published
There's a Body Count to Magical Thinking w/ Kernan Coleman, critical thinking activist - S4E10 2019-10-08
Agitation & Acceleration w/ Stephen Kent, sociologist - S4E9pt2 2019-10-01
Cult Techniques Spilling into Politics w/ Stephen Kent, sociologist - S4E9pt1 2019-09-24
Starting from Scratch w/ Stacey Aviva Flint, ex-ICOC - S4E8pt1 2019-09-16
Pulling Back the Curtain w/ Claudine, ex-Mormon - S4E7pt2 2019-09-10
Consistency is Key w/ Claudine, ex-Mormon - S4E7pt1 2019-09-03
Manufacturing Drama w/ Megan, Chicago theater co. - S4E6pt2 2019-08-27
An Abusive Act w/ Megan, Chicago theater co. - S4E6pt1 2019-08-20
Betrayal and Power w/ Nitai Joseph, former Hare Krishna - S4E5 2019-08-13
Moon & Machine w/ Teddy Hose - S4E4pt2 2019-08-06
Our Politics Remind Me of the Moonies w/ Teddy Hose - S4E4pt1 2019-07-29
Organizing Justice w/ Samantha Manewitz, social worker - S4E3 2019-07-23
Walking Through an Imbalanced World w/ Brie Loskota, USC Director of CRCC - S4E2 2019-07-21
Asking the Right Questions w/ Mike Kropveld, "infosecte"(infocult) - S4E1 2019-07-09
Is Ending My Life The Only Way Out? w/ April, ex-Scientology - S3E15pt2 2019-07-02
Escaping NXIVM w/ Catherine Oxenberg Re-Release - S2E4pt1 2019-06-22
"You Only Know What You Know" w/ April, ex-Scientology - S3E15pt1 2019-06-18
To Err Is Human, To Forgive Divine w/ Chanon Bloch on post-Apartheid - S3E13pt2 2019-06-11
National Racism and Fear w/ Chanon Bloch, on post-Apartheid - S3E13 2019-05-21
If Hubbard Didn't Write It, It's Not True w/ Joey Chait, ex-Scientology - S3E12pt2 2019-05-14

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