Hosted by Mark Bell, inventor of the Sling Shot; American record holding professional powerlifter. Joined by Professional Bodybuilder & Grappler Nsima Inyang and producer Andrew Zaragoza, the crew covers topics ranging from Health and Fitness, Nutrition, Masculinity, Dating, Powerlifting, life coaching and motivation. Join Mark on his journey to "Make the World a Better Place to Lift".


Title Date published
Isaiah Rivera & John Evans - “Anyone Can Dunk”, Best Dunker in the World Explains How || MBPP Ep. 822 2022-10-19
Zack Telander - Olympic Lifting History and Gear Use in Sport and Fitness || MBPP Ep. 821 2022-10-18
Robby Ellis - Respect Pain, Understand Why It's There, Accept Healing YOURSELF || MBPP Ep. 820 2022-10-17
How WEIGHT TRAINING Can Increase Your Flexibility and Movement Ability || MBPP Ep. 819 2022-10-14
How to Ease Yourself Into Running WITHOUT INJURY || MBPP Ep. 817 2022-10-11
Understand These CONCEPTS as You Become a MASTER of Your Fitness || MBPP Ep. 816 2022-10-10
It's NOT Tried and True, Lifting is Still NEW || MBPP Ep. 815 2022-10-06
You Need to Clarify Your GOALS, WHY Do You TRAIN? || MBPP Ep. 814 2022-10-05
Matt Wenning - The Conjugate System and Lifting HEAVY With Longevity in Mind || MBPP Ep. 813 2022-10-04
“Natty or Not’s” Helpful or Hurtful? Response to Greg Doucette & Zack Telander || MBPP Ep. 812 2022-10-03
Josh Stiles - This Man Runs THOUSANDS OF MILES Each Year in SANDALS || MBPP Ep. 811 2022-09-29
The Woke Health Agenda, is All Food Created Equally? || MBPP Ep. 810 2022-09-29
Prep + Opportunity = The Power Project, How We Created Our Own Luck & How You Can Too || MBPP Ep 809 2022-09-27
Dr. Spencer Nadolsky - The Doctor Who Uses Fat Loss Drugs to Reverse Obesity || MBPP Ep. 808 2022-09-26
Mike O'Hearn & Mona Muresan || MBPP Ep. 807 2022-09-22
Bedros Keuilian - MASCULINITY is NOT TOXIC and Dealing with Trauma as MEN || MBPP Ep. 806 2022-09-21
Matthias Mckinnon - The MOST UNCONVENTIONAL LIFTER You’ll Ever Meet || MBPP Ep. 805 2022-09-20
Whealth - Movement Tools to Rid Chronic Pain || MBPP Ep. 804 2022-09-19
Dan Garner Pt2- How Much Testosterone You REALLY Need to Get JACKED & Mark's Bloodwork | MBPP Ep 802 2022-09-15

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