We cover Atari news, reviews, and a special feature each show for the Atari 8-bit line of computers (400/800/XL/XE/XEGS)


Title Date published
ANTIC Interview 178 - Wes Horlacher, Magic Melody Box 2016-05-26
ANTIC Interview 177 - Steve Smith, ANTIC chip 2016-05-24
ANTIC Interview 176 - Clyde Spencer: Stereo 3-D Graphics and Isopleth Map Making 2016-05-22
ANTIC Interview 175 - Robert Waldman, Financial Asset Managment System 2016-05-20
ANTIC Interview 174 - Tod Frye, Asteroids 2016-05-18
ANTIC Interview 173 - Ursula Wolz, early computing and education 2016-05-16
ANTIC Interview 172 - Owen Rubin: Major Havoc, Space Duel 2016-05-14
ANTIC Interview 171 - Randy Glover, Jumpman 2016-05-12
ANTIC Interview 170 - Mike Silva, Syncalc 2016-05-10
ANTIC Interview 169 - Richard Lindgren, APX financial software 2016-05-07
ANTIC Interview 168 - Marcin Sochacki, SIO2BT 2016-05-04
ANTIC Interview 167 - Al Casper: Counter, My Spelling Easel, Equestrian 2016-05-02
ANTIC Interview 166 - Michael Crick, Frogmaster 2016-04-30
ANTIC Episode 32 - Into the Big Scary World 2016-04-28
ANTIC Interview 165 - Yakov Epelboim: Pushky and Devilator 2016-04-26
ANTIC Interview 164 - John Palevich: Dandy and Deep Blue C Compiler 2016-04-24
ANTIC Interview 163 - Ron Luks, Compuserve Atari Forum Founder 2016-04-22
ANTIC Interview 162 - John Powers, Atari Director of Software Development 2016-04-20
ANTIC Interview 161 - Edward Lehmann, Recipe Search 'N Save 2016-04-18
ANTIC Interview 160 - Chuck Mullally, Mastermatch 2016-04-16

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