<p>Many talented people's writings and movies address the deep, dark mysteries of our world — across both Fiction (Horror, Crime, Sci-Fi, Action-Adventure, Romance, LGBT) and Non-Fiction (Crime, History, Science, Paranormal) stories.</p><p>Please step into the “House of Mystery” 5 nights a week and join us as we go deep into the creative process behind our esteemed guests' works.</p><p>Past Guests in Non-Fiction have included Marcia Clark (of the O.J. Simpson trial), Robert Kennedy, Jr., Jesse Ventura, Burl Barer, Nancy Grace, Aphrodite Jones, Mark Olshaker, Anne Bremner (on Amanda Knox), F. Lee Bailey, Tom Mesereau (on Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson), Roger Stone (on the JFK Assassination), Dan Abrams, Juan Martinez (on Jodi Arias), Michael Hawley (on Jack the Ripper), and Michael Butterfield (on the Zodiac Killer).&nbsp;</p><p>Past Guests in Fiction have included Eric Shapiro, George Weir, John Copenhaver, Lee Goldberg, Gregory Ashe, J.D. Horn, Rick Poldark, Greg F. Gifune, Michael Bland, Geoff Symon, Gabriel Rottello, James Polchin, Lev Raphael, and Robert Fieseler.</p><p>Support this show <a target="_blank" rel="payment" href="http://supporter.acast.com/houseofmysteryradio">http://supporter.acast.com/houseofmysteryradio</a>.</p> <p>Become a member at <a target="_blank" rel="payment" href="https://plus.acast.com/s/houseofmysteryradio">https://plus.acast.com/s/houseofmysteryradio</a>.</p> <br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href='https://acast.com/privacy'>acast.com/privacy</a> for more information.</p>


Title Date published
George Jared - Silent Silhouette 2022-10-14
Ronald Bowers - Serial Killers of Los Angeles 2022-10-13
Daniella Bernett - A Mind to Murder 2022-10-12
David Kempf - The Wager of Sin 2022-10-12
Nicholas L. Chiarkas - Nunzio's Way 2022-10-11
Robert W. Walker - Under the Dead Lady's Corset 2022-10-11
Robert Kennedy Jr. - Framed 2022-09-21
O.J. SIMPSON'S LAS VEGAS CONVICTION - Andy Caldwell 2022-09-20
Joel McKay - Wolf at the Door 2022-09-09
Michael Paul Kozlowsky - Scarecrow has a Gun 2022-09-08
Ann Charles - Twisty Tortoise Tussles 2022-09-07
Humphrey Hawksley - Ice Islands 2022-09-06
Lee Sansum & Howard Linskey - The Bodyguard 2022-09-03
Simon Gervais - The Last Sentinel 2022-09-02
Jack King - False Blood 2022-09-01
Joe R. Lansdale - Born for Trouble 2022-08-31
Marc J. Seifer - Tesla: Wizard at War 2022-08-30
Jonathan Woods - Hog Wild: or Singin' them Jihog Blues 2022-08-28
Joseph Osmundson - Virology: Essays for the Living, the Dead, and the Small Things in Between 2022-08-27
Brian Freeman - Bourne Sacrifice 2022-08-25

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