Welcome to the (in)courage podcast! We are all different ages, in different life stages, and we come from different cultures and churches, but our common thread is the hope of Jesus. Each weekday we meet you right where you are as one of our writers shares what’s going on in her everyday life and how God’s right in the middle of it all. We bring our joys and struggles equally so that you can feel less alone, and be empowered by the hope Jesus gives. We hope you’ll bring us along with you on your morning walks, driving to the grocery store, waiting in the preschool pickup line, alone in your kitchen, or as you wind down for the evening. Wherever you join us, you’re welcome here, and we’re honored to be a part of your day. Read our daily posts at incourage.me. The (in)courage podcast is brought to you by DaySpring. For over 50 years, DaySpring has created quality cards, books, and gifts that help you live your faith. Find out more at DaySpring.com.


Title Date published
Jami Nato: When the Dark Is Too Dark 2023-03-02
Barb Roose: The Best Little Four-Word Prayer 2023-03-01
Michele Cushatt: The Key to Shutting Down Shame's Voice 2023-02-28
Dawn Camp: Love Thy Neighbor 2023-02-27
Bonus Episode: Staying Curious When You Want to Run Away, with Michele Cushatt 2023-02-25
Grace P. Cho: How I Find My Way Through Tragedy 2023-02-24
Jen Schmidt: He Said How Many Times? 2023-02-23
Rachel Marie Kang: You Are Not Stupid 2023-02-22
Grace P. Cho: Wisdom Is Learned Through Understanding Knowledge 2023-02-21
K. J. Ramsey: Where Do You Look When You Can’t See Past Loss? 2023-02-20
Bonus Episode: Finding Jesus in the Psalms, with Barb Roose 2023-02-19
Bonus Episode: Will You be a Flamethrower or a Fire Extinguisher in the Dumpster Fire of Internet Comments?, with Jami Nato 2023-02-18
Holley Gerth: Tired of Trying to Make Everything Okay? Here’s a More Peaceful Way… 2023-02-17
Melissa Zaldivar: Taking Another Route 2023-02-16
Robin Dance: Simple Things to Help You When Life Gets Really Hard 2023-02-15
Barb Roose: Finding Jesus in the Psalms 2023-02-14
Dorina Lazo Gilmore-Young: You Are Loved as God's Daughter 2023-02-14
Mary Carver: When the New Year Feels a Lot Like the Old One 2023-02-13
Bonus Episode: Double the Lies, with Patricia Raybon 2023-02-12
Bonus Episode: The Loving Work of Biting Your Tongue, with Mary Carver 2023-02-11

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