TechZing is an informal bi-weekly chat show aimed at entreprenures and hackers interested in creating their own web app startup. The show is both educational (with practical advice) and conversational. Join our Discord, chat with us and fellow listeners!


Title Date published
48: TZ Discussion - The Depressed Designer 2010-12-06
47: TZ Discussion - The Five Year Plan 2010-12-06
46: TZ Discussion - Vampire Universe 2010-12-06
45: TZ Interview - Taylor Norrish / PrintFriendly and GovIt 2010-12-06
44: TZ Discussion - Black Budgets, Dark Matter And You 2010-12-06
43: TZ Discussion - Escaping the Geek Ghetto 2010-12-06
42: TZ Discussion - Entrepreneurial Lessons from the Incredible Hulk 2010-12-06
41: TZ Discussion - TL;DL / Too Long; Didn't Listen 2010-12-06
40: TZ Discussion - AppIgnite Revealed 2010-12-06
39: TZ Interview - MongoDB 2010-12-06
38: TZ Interview - Pete Michaud / Retired at 25 2010-12-06
37: TZ Discussion - The Batcave 2010-12-06
36: TZ Interview - Appcelerator and Titanium 2010-12-06
35: TZ Discussion - Off the Rails 2010-12-06
34: TZ Interview - Central Desktop / Relentless Execution 2010-12-06
32: TZ Discussion - Think Like an Entrepreneur 2010-12-06
31: TZ Discussion - Marco Polo 2010-12-06
30: TZ Discussion - Long Live the Heretic 2010-12-06
29: TZ Discussion - But, I Digress... 2010-12-06
28: TZ Discussion - Exploration vs. Exploitation 2010-12-06

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