<p>Step out of black and white thinking. Shortlisted in top 10 for the People's Choice Podcast Awards 2017 in Education (maybe I should try entering an award again - I haven't since). I'm unboxable. A podcast that ranges from Children to Adults. Personality to Psychology. Education to Development. Philosophy to a modern critique of society and our politics. Self-help to Spiritualism. Vulnerability &amp; creativity. Racism &amp; Society Culture I started out caring about success - now I care about secureness. And I am to do this in a way that sits with my own authentic self and spiritual nature. I don't aim to give answers - I aim to give you permission to arrive at your own. Critical thinking possible for everyone regardless of education status. Writing - on .patreon dot com/purplepsychology become a supporter of this podcast - more information (drnaoiseoreilly dot org). Thank you! Podcast disclaimer on Purple Psychology dot com. More information drnaoiseoreilly dot org. ©Dr. Naoisé O'Reilly 2024. <strong>Please support this podcast and my fee-free work on Patreon </strong></p>


Title Date published
Episode 23: Why People in Denmark are so happy. Secrecy is good for Business. Observing happiness in Children in Spain & interactions with People living with disabilities 2015-07-27
Episode 22: Nature versus Nurture. Why conventional Personality Testing in the workplace is terrifying. Introverts & Extroverts reacting differently to Ireland’s new post codes 2015-07-27
Episode 21: Do you hold Anxiety in your head or stomach? Joint Writing & how Dyslexics think faster than they can write. Why Dyslexics need to read & write daily. Highly Visual People experiencing nightmares. Creativity in Children who don’t watch T.V. 2015-07-22
Episode 20: Why Dyslexic Children find escalators & playing music difficult. 3 new Methods from Dr. Naoisé O’Reilly. Tips on how to deal with a perfectionist Child & explaining the 2 types of Practical people 2015-07-22
Episode 18: How different Personality Types cope at home & how Introverts & Extroverts differ when choosing holidays/vacations 2015-06-01
Episode 17: Educational blueprints, Charles Dickens’ impact on Global literacy, Interviewing International celebrities about literacy, why Hogwarts in Harry Potter got School wrong & Dr. Naoisé O’Reilly unveils Her education wish list 2015-06-01
Episode 16: What is Success? How Personality Theory differs from NLP 2015-06-01
Episode 15: Teenage themed Films, Observations on the Referendums in Ireland, Socioeconomic Expression differences & the School bullying of a Student living with disability 2015-05-25
Episode 14: Legacy & the importance of your Name. Why people Stutter. Language Patterns & Speech volume levels 2015-05-18
Episode 13: Left Handed, Right Handed, Ambidextrous & Creativity. The Pressure Cooker Effect™. Immune systems of Dyslexics 2015-05-18
Episode 12: Work Life Balance. Sleep Patterns. Anxiety 2015-05-10
Episode 10: Anti Bullying 2015-05-10
Episode 9: Children strategically branded with labels so they can receive additional School resources, Quality controls when correcting Exam Papers & what’s important to 10-year-old’s? 2015-04-30
Episode 8: Inside the minds of Professional Athletes, Premier League Footballers, why Professional Soccer Players underperform, Dyslexics seeing patterns in data & the personality of horses winning races 2015-04-30
Episode 7: The origins of Eating Disorders & Self Harm in Teenagers, Expression, Intelligence & why Italians are natural born designers! 2015-04-22
Episode 6: Workplace Productivity, Work Life Balance & the significance of the colour purple 2015-04-20
Episode 5: ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Learning Styles, Processing Scales, Learning Difficulties, Personality Types, Visual & Hearing Impairments/Visual & Auditory Processing Disorders 2015-04-15
Episode 4: Trauma from School, epidemic labeling of Children & Teenagers, Learning Difficulties & Education system failures 2015-04-10
Episode 3: Violent Teenagers, Personality Types, Methods & when Twins are total opposites! 2015-04-07
Episode 2: Introverts & Extroverts sharing the same World & Social Media! 2015-04-04

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